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Warden Distributed Soil Moisture, Temperature and Conductivity Measurement System
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       The Warden Distributed Soil Moisture, Temperature and Conductivity Measurement system is a three-parameter soil measurement system based on "true time domain reflectometry" (TureTDR®) technology. The system measures soil moisture and conductivity by exciting and measuring the migration time of high frequency (~1.5GHz) electromagnetic waves, while output soil temperature. Other measurement techniques using the low frequency measurement signal are extremely sensitive to salinity due to the severe polarization of hydrated ions during the measurement process. The Warden three-parameter soil measurement system based on TureTDR® technology overcomes the above problems to the greatest extent, and is insensitive to the salt content in the soil and not affeced by soil type. It can maximize the accuracy of soil moisture and conductivity measurements, and further expand the application scenarios of the system.
       Warden enables distributed measurements and uploads data to the cloud via a wireless module. Each Warden data collector can be connected to eight soil moisture, temperature, and conductivity sensors, enabling wired networking of 16 data collectors and unlimited wireless networking. The distributed soil three-parameter measurement system can provide stable and reliable data for continuous soil moisture measurement in agricultural, forestry, pratacultural, ecological and other scientific research and production scenarios.

Technical principle
      True Time domain reflectometry (TureTDR®) based on ~1.5GHz electromagnetic wave


  • ~1.5GHz electromagnetic wave true Time Domain Reflectometry Measurement Technology (TureTDR®)
  • Non-model calibration, direct measurement of soil moisture, moisture and conductivity
  • Low loss and low noise coaxial cable with high quality SMA connectors
  • High accuracy, volume water content within 1% or 2%
  • Suitable for a variety of soil types and salt content, low calibration requirements
  • Distributed measurement with excellent spatial and temporal resolution
Technical parameters
Warden data Collector
Number of channels 8 channels with access to 8 TDR-001 soil moisture sensors, or TDR-002 soil temperature,humidity and conductivity sensors; And one port for up to 16 temperature or water potential sensors
Calibration Each TDR channel and TDR sensor can be calibrated individually
Power Consumption Power 6-15 VDC with minimal power consumption
Operating Temperature -20 ~ 50℃


TDR-001 soil moisture sensor and TDR-002 soil moisture, temperature and conductivity sensor
Accuracy Moisture: ±2%; Better than ±2% after independent calibration
Temperature: 0.5℃; Better than 0.5℃  after independent calibration
Conductivity: ±10% @ 0~ 1 S/m; Better than ±10% after independent calibration
Resolution Moisture: 0.1%
Temperature: 0.1 ℃
Electrical conductivity: 1 mS/m
Measuring range Moisture: 0 ~ 100%
Temperature: -25 ~ 50 ℃
Conductivity: 0.000 ~ 1 S/m
Sensor 2 stainless steel probes with a length of 100 mm and a diameter of 3 mm
Measuring area Soil column around the sensor with 5 cm in diameter and 11 cm in height
Probe body PVC pipe, 2 cm diameter, 15 ~ 150 cm length optional
Cable Length 1.5 to 6.0 m


TDR-LMS Mini soil moisture and conductivity sensor for laboratory use
Mounting hole 8 mm diameter
Sensor 2 stainless steel probes with 0.8mm diameter and 53 mm long
Measuring area 5 mm diameter and 60 mm high cylinder around the sensor
Cables 1 m


TDR-LP Mini soil tensiometer for laboratory use
Pressure membrane 15 mm long and 3 mm diameter clay cup
Relative error 15%
Resolution 1 mbar
Drift 20 mbar/ month
Cable length 1 m
Mounting hole 8 mm diameter


TDR-LT Mini soil temperature sensor for laboratory use
Measuring range -20 ~ 60 ℃
Resolution 0.01 °C
Absolute Error < 0.5 ℃
Cable 2 m
Mounting hole 8 mm diameter


Soil column metal barrel (for holding soil column sample and mounting sensor)
Specifications Cylinder wall with 2.75mm in thickness, 100mm in height, 55mm in inside diameter
Features Sensor mounting holes are distributed on the wall of the cylinder for mounting TDR- LMS and TDR-LP sensors. The mounting holes are spirally distributed to minimize the impact between the sensors.

TDR-020 Wireless Transmission module (optional)
Capture Warden data acquisition via IOT
Compatible with the Vista Internet of Things platform owned by Prieco

* This product has fully introduced the technology of Polish Academy of Sciences, upgraded its product process and performance, and sold well in Europe and America.

PRI-ECO, China

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